Digital Marketing Trends to be Aware of in 2022

One thing about Digital Marketing is that the dynamics and algorithms are always changing. The change is part of what keeps any digital marketer on their toes. The way people across the world make use of the internet also evolve each day, and that is the main reason for the constant change; to keep up with the trends. The past 2 years have been typically hard, with the disruption the pandemic brought, making it almost difficult to keep up with the changes. However, a marketer also needs to know what trend is worth pursuing. The following are top marketing trends to look out for in 2022.

Short Videos

As time goes, more people are getting even busier, with less time to spend on longer content on the internet, or social media precisely. To capture the attention of this group, make short form videos and post on your Instagram Reels, Facebook Stories and TikTok. TikTok is famous for short, fun videos. Be sure to make it short, informative and fun.

Live Videos

Videos are slowly gaining popularity, and in 2022, with the advent of TikTok and other video channels, people are leaning more towards videos. Live videos, short videos on Youtube, or short videos posted on social media timelines work to drive more traffic. Create schedule, promote, grow your brand! Live videos are getting more rewards on social media because they are mostly interactive and they help people to connect directly with their audience. You can also use streaming apps, to stream live videos across different channels to reach even a wider audience.

Content Marketing

Content is king! It is however important to note that there is a huge amount of content being created every day, so you have to stand out from the crowd, and stay on the edge of competition with the kind of content you create. The written word is not dead yet, you need to find a way to sell it more powerfully, the more reason using imagery is encouraged. Social media, they say, is like a kitten; it needs to be fed often, it is easily distracted by bright things and it pounces on anything that moves. Images, videos and vibrant content will amplify your content.

Personalized Marketing

The greatest goal of any form of marketing is to reach the right audience, with the right message and convert! With technology, this goal is achievable and leads to more results.  Most consumers will confess that they easily buy from a brand they have a personalized experience with. Therefore, personalized marketing is must-do. Reach your prospects based on interests and needs, age range, gender and industry (for B2B type of marketing).

CSR and non-profit Activities

Yes, CSR is one way to create an impact in the digital space and build your brand’s credibility while at it. In 2022, marketers need to realize the role CSR and other non-profit activities can do to a brand. CSR is not only beneficial to the society but also gives brands a human aspect and creates trust among their audience.

Some digital marketing trends are easy to adopt than others, but a good marketer will adopt what adds value to their marketing efforts. It is advisable to carefully consider which trend(s) is suitable for the kind of business and incorporate them into the running marketing plan.

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